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Sales superstars keep a fuzzy file about their clients. These are detailed files about their clients that they can reference quickly. It has specific information so that the salesperson can make contact in a meaningful way. The salesperson knows about their family, their interests, as well as business information. In this way, the sales superstar has the ability to interact on a personal level. A fuzzy file is a way to have more in-depth information about clients on hand so that the sales superstar can have a more meaningful dialogue when interacting with the client.

Sales superstars never take their clients for granted. They collect information about their clients because they have a genuine interest. The fuzzy file serves as a place to keep all this information. Very few salespeople have the ability to remember many things about all of their clients. The fuzzy file ensures that the superstar has the information and doesn’t need to rely on memory. So what kind of information is valuable in a fuzzy file? Important dates in the client’s life, birthdays or anniversaries. Family information is a good idea, spouse, children, even pets. Sales superstars will file this information away so that they are aware of some of the important things in their client’s life. Poor salespeople frequently ignore these things. They look to have a business only relationship and ignore bonding. This will work for some clients but others will begin to see the product or service in an unemotional light. The poor salesperson is now susceptible to a competitor offering a lower price or coaxing the client away from a product or service they have no strong affinity toward.

The salespeople that are best with the fuzzy files are those that create a system of meaningful contact. They send personal birthday cards, they ask how the oldest child is handling the first year of high school, or always call the spouse by name. These are things that are not common. It helps the sales superstar stand out as unique and is a more meaningful way of bonding. It can be difficult to manage a fuzzy file but is worthwhile. A fuzzy file should never be the main focus of our activities but a good system will let you supplement our other activities with some personalized interaction. Create a system for yourself that allows you to interact better with your clients. You will find that a good system doesn’t take much time and your clients will appreciate that you take a personal interest in them.

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